
How to insert Border in blogpost

Adding a border to blog post is a common problem for many bloggers, we always want to add some colored border to highlight codes in blog post or to write a notice in blog post. But we often face many problems inserting HTML, JavaScript and CSS codes in blog posts. This tutorial will make it quite easy for you, what you need to do is put two lines of codes in post editor HTML mode and write whatever you want to highlight.

The effect that you will see from this tutorial is

Follow the following steps
1) Go to New post in Blogger
2) Click on HTML editor
3) Then put the following code there as it is
<div style="border: 1px dotted red; padding: 8px;">
Add here the text to be bordered
4) Now replace "Add here the text to be bordered " with the text you want to be in border 

If you are getting any problem then please ask.