
How to find shortcuts in Windows 8

Windows 8 had come out with a bunch of new features and interfaces, but most of the people were disappointed when it leaves the classic Start button, many found it bit more uncomfortable to go through the start screen every time they need a programme to be run. But gradually people are started loving it
and I am the one of those. As I have already said that peoples have lots of issues with Windows 8, specially while it's used by new users. Recently I have come across a shortcut issue, which I am going to discuss here. In this tutorial I will discuss the process of showing My Computer and My Document shorcuts on the Desktop.

What to do
You have to follow the following steps to bring the above mentioned shortcuts to your Desktop. It's really very simple.
1) Go to the Desktop
2) Right Click and go to Personalize
3) Click on Change desktop icons
4) Then select your required shortcuts from the available options (You can take the help of following screen shot)

If you get any problem while creating the shortcuts, you can contact me.