Do you want to publish a book of your blog posts ? if you wish then you can because Blog2book has brought to the bloggers a very nice feature to convert all their blog posts into an Ebook with a dedication page and also with a killer book cover. Suppose you are blogging about multiple topics like technology, windows, blogging tricks etc. and you want to publish an Ebook for technology loving readers then by using Blog2book you can make an Ebook of technology by selecting those posts which are related to technology. It is a nice way to crawl more traffics towards your blog, because by reading the Ebook of your blog a user will get all your published topics in one place. It will be like having all under one shelter. By this way you can make a visitor, who has come to read one particular topics of your blog, to read more than one topics. Many established bloggers are using this features.The process is very easy.
Follow the following steps
1) Go to Blog2book
2) Click on Start
3) Now give your blog URL, select the blog platform, set the number of posts that to be on your Ebook or you can select a date range.
4) Now select the post you want to publish on your Ebook then click on Continue
5) Now type the Title, Subtitle, Author name and then choose a cover for your book. You can also customize more that is if you do not want to publish image on your Ebook and do not want to show date then check the two boxes as i highlighted red in the following image. If you want to add dedication page then click on Add dedication link.
6) Then click on Create My Book. At last download it to your system or you can save it for later.
That's all about creating an Ebook of your blog posts