
Top two Most-Destructive Computer Worms of all time

Stuxnet is a computer worm discovered in June 2010, was designed to attack the SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) computer system that are configured to control and monitor specific industrial processes. It first targeted the Siemens
Industrial software and equipments (Siemens is the largest Europe based electronics engineering company). It is the first malware that subverted industrial systems and first that includes a programmable logic controller root kit.

  Affected countries

It was identified by Ralph Langer.Langer in the TED talk February 2011, stated that though he earlier claimed.

Israeli the origin of Stuxnet, the leading force behind Stuxnet was the Cyber superpower, there is only one, and that's the United States.

Experts believe that Stuxnet was designed to target "high-value infrastructure" in Iran including Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant and Natnaz nuclear facility, possibly by Israel or United States.

Conficker is a computer worm first detected in 2008,it is also known as Downup,Downadup and Kido,crawled its way into millions of Microsoft Windows operated computers, including govenment,business and home Computers. It uses flaws in Windows software and dictionary attacks on administrative password while forming a botnet,its complexity of being using complicated and high malware techniques, made difficult to stop for the experts. It is capable of stealing financial data and other important information from remotely controlled computers by creating botnet.
Conficker attacked French Navy Network on 15 January 2009, for which they could not download their flight plans making aircraft at several airbases to be grounded.Scooped by Jay