We generally need converters to convert our file to the desired sizes and formats. There are bunch of converters on the web, but how to choose something extraordinary, that helps you to convert not only the video files but also the other file formats.
Recently I had purchased a software called Format Factory, it was very new to me. I got this software on a website, before that I hadn't even heard about this software though it comprises with unique features. Its unique features impressed me lot. I was literally surprised seeing the numbers of conversion option it has, ranging from mobile to computer it wears almost all the options.
The post would be incomplete if I don't discuss some other features of this Software. It has three main options Video, Picture and Audio. Each of these provides format conversion. Besides all it can perform as a Video Joiner and an Audio Joiner. It can convert a DVD to video file, Music CD to audio file. So it is a multifunctional converter.
As you are seeing in the above screenshot the options available for mobile devices, it includes all mobile brands so that one can get the most out of it. After converting a file it automatically creates an output folder where you get the converted file. So it is nice software to convert and join files. Download it and give it a try.
Download link: Softonic.com
Download link: Softonic.com